Bluebirds are insect eaters, so providing mealworms either dried or live can attract them to your yard. Supplementing with Black Soldier Fly Grubs in spring provides essential calcium for females.
Opt for a window feeder for a close-up view of bluebirds. Choose a model that is easy to clean and UV resistant to maintain durability.
Clean and sanitize feeders regularly, ideally with a water-to-bleach solution. Ensure the feeder is dishwasher-safe for easy maintenance.
Maintain a clean water source for bluebirds, either through a specialized feeder or a shallow bird bath. Regularly replace the water to keep it sanitary.
Install a bluebird house with a proper entryway size and placement. Position it 4-6 feet off the ground and away from potential predator perches.
Refrain from using pesticides near your yard, as bluebirds can become sick or die from consuming insects exposed to insecticides.
Ensure a stocked feeder during winter months, especially in southern migration areas, to provide food when it's scarce.
Bluebirds may take time to discover your yard, but once they do, they can become frequent visitors. Be patient and enjoy the sight of these stunning birds in your yard.